Treat your stubborn pockets of fat at
JS Aesthetics Belper

Hi I’m Jesse and welcome to my clinic in Belper I've acquired my extensive knowledge through 18 years of medical and military experience, this ensures that each procedure I offer is not only effective but also safe and tailored to deliver optimal results. Using the finest medical-grade products and cutting-edge technologies, every treatment I preform is meticulously customised to address your unique needs and goals.If you are considering Botox Injection's in Belper, please contact us for advice and a no obligation consultation.
What are stubborn fat pockets?

Stubborn pockets of fat are localized areas of body fat that are resistant to diet and exercise. These fat deposits are typically found in specific areas such as the abdomen, thighs, hips, buttocks, arms, and under the chin.
Genetics play a significant role in determining where your body stores fat. Some people are genetically predisposed to store fat in certain areas, making these pockets more stubborn to lose.
Hormonal Factors:
Hormones significantly influence fat distribution and metabolism. For example:
Estrogen: Promotes fat storage in the hips and thighs, which is why women tend to have more stubborn fat in these areas.
Insulin: High levels of insulin can lead to increased fat storage, particularly in the abdominal area.
Cortisol: Chronic stress and elevated cortisol levels can contribute to the accumulation of fat, especially around the midsection.
As we age, our metabolism slows down, and hormonal changes occur (e.g., menopause in women), making it easier to gain fat and harder to lose it, particularly in stubborn areas.
Lifestyle Factors:
Sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, and insufficient sleep can all contribute to the persistence of stubborn fat.
Causes of Stubborn Pockets of Fat
Treatments for stubborn fat pockets
Deso fat loss injections offer a non-surgical option for reducing stubborn pockets of fat through the targeted destruction of fat cells.
Active Ingredient:
Deso fat loss injections typically contain a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, which is a naturally occurring bile acid in the body. Deoxycholic acid helps to break down and absorb dietary fat.
Injection Process:
The Deso solution is injected directly into the targeted area of stubborn fat using fine needles. The number of injections and the amount of solution used depend on the size and location of the fat deposit.
Fat Cell Destruction:
Once injected, the deoxycholic acid disrupts the membrane of fat cells in the targeted area. This leads to the destruction of fat cells, causing them to break down and release their contents.
Natural Elimination:
The body’s natural metabolic processes then work to eliminate the released fat from the treated area. The broken-down fat cells are processed by the liver and excreted from the body through the lymphatic system.
Reduction in Fat Volume:
As the fat cells are destroyed and removed, the overall volume of fat in the treated area decreases, leading to a reduction in the size of the fat pocket and a more contoured appearance.
How DESO Fat Loss Injections help reduce stubborn pockets of fat
"Come and visit our boutique clinic in Belper for treatment of your stubborn fat pockets"
Get in touch if you have questions about stubborn fat pockets
Tel: 07946414660
Address: The 1924 Building, Belper DE56 1AP